Managing Your Workforce in a Lockdown

April 13, 2020
Managing Your Workforce in a Lockdown

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The world’s economy is currently experiencing a massive crisis in the form of SARS-CoV-2. Apart from the staggering toll it has taken in terms of its victims, and the crisis has also impacted the way businesses and organizations work. Businesses have resorted to more innovative ways of working to keep employees safe from the threat of disease as well as continue work. The implementation of a user-friendly HR management system can work wonders.

According to an article by economic times, the total financial cost of the COVID-19 crisis is an estimated 100-114 billion USD. A truly staggering figure. Despite adversities, organizations are trying their best to maintain efficiency and work through this period, which has been aided through effective HRMS solutions.

Working from Home

OWL labs ran a survey to understand how prepared organizations were to handle the work-from-home situation amidst the CoVID-19 lockdown situation. One key finding was that 66% of respondents felt that their organization was prepared to handle the situation, but 34% were not.

The study also threw light on the fact that out of all the respondents, only 23% worked at companies that had a work from home protocol, and 31% said that the CoVID-19 lockdown was the reason that triggered the idea a remote work in their companies.

Working from Home – The Indian Scenario

In a study by on Indian millennials and over three-quarters of respondents voted for a work-from-home option citing work-life balance as a reason that they do not want to work in a traditional office setting. Issues such as commutes, coordination challenges, and so on, were issues that respondents believed could hinder work-from-home progress.

Managerial Initiatives

As the CoVID-19 lockout crisis has hit workplaces globally, some managers have taken initiatives to help not just their employees but employees of other corporations as well.

  • Information Sharing: Organizations like Coin case, a cryptocurrency company, made their CoVID-19 response plan public. The plan detailed how the CoVID -19 would impact workplaces, working hours, travel, and workloads. Having a response plan and detailing it and sharing it through HR management systems or HR information systems to employees will make managers, as well as employees, feel more in control of the situation at hand.
  • Travel Limitations: Organizations around the world that have a presence in China have pulled out employees from their offices there. Travel in India is suspended as well, with organizations understanding the risks that employees face while traveling. It would also help organizations to look at their HRMS payroll to understand.
  • Employee Support: Building a supportive space for employees where they can voice their concerns during this troubling time is essential. Employees will have a sense of confusion and worry about what to do during this period. Revamping sick day or leave policies to enable employees more time away from the workplace and cut down on travel and commute. Looking at flexible work timings for certain employees might also help with reducing the level of commute. Looking at mental health options during this period will also be of great help to employees.
  • The Work from Home Option: Many organizations have decided to adopt the work from home or remote work policies. Nobl Academy, GitLab, and Zapier all have manuals that will help other organizations develop their own plans. Having an accessible HR management system in place will enable managers to keep better track of their employees. Managers can keep track of employee payroll and work more effectively. Using software like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Skype has enabled managers to connect with teams face to face.


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