Payroll Management Tips for Start-Ups

November 30, 2021
Payroll Management Tips for Start-Ups

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]With so many changes occurring in the global business ecosystem, the payroll process is considered crucial in any growing business. Entrepreneurs have started seeing their employees as their internal customers upon whom the entire business relies.

Unlike in the past, mere payment of wages and salaries will not suffice in the modern business arena. Paying each team member his or her due wage, deducting the right amount of tax, and filing the tax returns accurately are all the responsibilities of business owners. They are liable for a legal penalty failing any of this. Here’s where payroll service providers play a critical role.

Important Payroll Tips for Small Businesses and Start-Ups

An efficient payroll management system makes the payroll process simpler and filing payroll tax returns easier. The following are a few of the key tips that help growing businesses manage their payrolls seamlessly and efficiently:

  • Apply and obtain your business’s EIN: Employer identification number is used for keeping tabs on your organization’s quarterly as well as annual tax payments. Having EIN is essential for hiring employees and establishing a proper payroll system. A professional payroll service provider can help you with this.
  • Classify the employees and contractors properly: Understand the difference between regular employees and independent contractors. A clear demarcation between salaried (i.e., full-time) employees and part-time contractors or hour-based workers is a must. This distinction has a bearing on the employee status, thus impacting your tax reports. Managing an accurate payroll process depends on how you keep track of your different types of employees.
  • Have a thorough idea of prevailing laws: Labor and industry-related laws differ from state to state. So do payroll processes and employment practices. It is essential to review the laws and regulations in the state where you intend to operate even before you start looking for employees. The accuracy of payroll tax calculation and an orderly tax return filing process calls for complete knowledge of existing laws.
  • Choose and set up the appropriate payroll schedule: Depending on the best payment schedule for your specific business, figure out your unique payroll calendar. Consider what works best for your company and your employees and ensure that each employee is always paid on time every time. It is essential to mark and note the tax payments in your payroll calendar so that you never miss a tax payment. You need to maintain prompt payment of salaries and wages while not compromising on tax payment and returns.
  • Get all information about employees and maintain all required records: Details such as your employees’ full names, addresses, date of birth, and other important data must be gathered beforehand. It might be necessary to ask some of your employees to complete certain prescribed forms, while other forms may be required to verify their eligibility to work.
  • Entrust your payroll management process to the right entity: While it may be easy to manage your payroll process in-house in the initial stage, payroll tax calculation and other payroll-related activities may be difficult when your business grows. Partnering with a skilled payroll service provider will help you to ensure a seamless payroll process.
  • Keep tabs on all the external changes: Even after having set up an effective payroll process, modern business organizations need to keep track of the constant changes that occur on the legal front. Compliance is not a one-time fix; it is an ongoing process. So stay updated and stay aware of any change in payroll-related matters.

(Read more: How to do effective payroll management in startups?)


Start-ups and small businesses need to ensure that their payroll processes are as streamlined as possible. Availing payroll service from professional payroll service agencies will warrant getting your payroll system established and assuring that payroll tax calculations and filing are accurate.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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