hr glossary

Severance pay in India: Everything Employers and Employees need to know

While conducting business operations in any country, every employer ought to adhere to certain labor compliance requirements applicable there. In India, labor law is a concurrent subject in the Constitution of India. Therefore, both the Central and State Governments govern the employment regulations in India. Severance pay in India is one of the labor compliance…

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boolean search recruitment

Full-cycle recruitment, or 360-degree recruitment, involves the entire hiring process, from sourcing candidates to onboarding. The recruitment industry is grappling with a persistent talent storage. Finding the talent people and retaining them for the long term has become a significant challenge. Traditional recruitment practices, often intuition based and reactive, have contributed to this problem. These…

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Full cycle 360 degree recruitment

Full-cycle recruitment, or 360-degree recruitment, involves the entire hiring process, from sourcing candidates to onboarding. The recruitment industry is grappling with a persistent talent storage. Finding the talent people and retaining them for the long term has become a significant challenge. Traditional recruitment practices, often intuition based and reactive, have contributed to this problem. These…

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Contingent staffing

Contingent staffing refers to the practice of hiring temporary workers or contract employees on an as-needed basis, rather than employing them full-time as permanent workers. Contingent workers and contractors are essentially the same; both are brought in to fulfil specific roles or complete projects for a predetermined period, without the long-term commitment of traditional employment. In…

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Accrued Payroll: Components and Calculations

Accrued payroll (also known as payroll accrual) refers to the total amount of salaries, wages, and other compensation that employees have earned during a pay period but have not yet been paid.   Accrued payroll is a major accounting concept that enables a company to properly account for the obligation it has incurred with its employees. This…

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